You ask yourself why the here presented Art is also some thing for you and not as the most art only for a small minorty accessebel is an in all cases only serves in most cases only enjoinment and serves aktually no really purpose ?
You ask yourself why art4you2 should be any differenc , a living reflexion of our Culture ans society that in the aktuelle and imported Themes of oure Time is a source of Knowlege and Wisedom yes in all gives you a direkt prakticalle use which brings aktuelly some change in the world in which we life , which we are seduced into a constant change , in no time as much as in oures it is so fast , which is a dangere for our lifes from which we have to protekt us to not be drawm with it .
Now that and match more delivers art4you2 , as a small inside you see here a normal picture , from Boba Fett , and then in kontrast to that a piece of Art from the collection from pieces from art4you2 that is in kontrast to the commen flat pictures , a lifing 3 D Piece of Art as you can obeserve for your self
As this plattform is in a early prototype phase don't expect 2 match , here you can see , as far as they are for publik eyes , the studies works researches I present to the publik as far as they are suitable 4 publik eyes ; )
How this page works / is strucktered :
1. Home = Here you are now as you can see on the left side below you find all the different housess with each its own rooms and more .
1 . News = All that is going and and you are not strong enougth 2 find out 4 yourself befor it is 2 late are news and as it may be new 2 you here they reach you , your news " 4 a welcome 2 see you 2 4 art this
2. Pieces of Art = Here you find many of my art works as kategoriesd by way and types , each gallarry has some selected pieces of art to give you a good panorama abou this kind of work / studie / research I do .
3. Perspektives for Perseptions = here you find some insigths into the way I work with my art and bring it into being, it$s to learn the difference betwenn the old way of artist in our kulture to this way , it$s a intressting step and you are welcom to work it ou 4 yourself 2
4. Write words = Here you find some praktikal theories of praties about my own research into many arears and some teching as information and background knowlge to the many projekts as works and studies and researches on this platform 4 a better understanding and deepening of your knowing and wisedom ; ) enjoin
5. Projekt Ökonisation : Its my main , first , real projekt which is about adapting the knowlege and wissedom of nature, and more , to our society and change it into a natural stable prosperty and peacfull society , life , world and lif being and the way to do this , as it is done , and some background studies about different approches and methodes , .... , have fun ; )
6. Projekt The Bank with the Wipe ? = It's the bank I fouund and working on as it at the moment nether appears or is it will appear in time and is then , if right foursigthed , in about 2017 in the real world as useable for humans, until then its a mystery ? thats why the wipe is formed like a question marks as you can see here the wipe ? any quest ! ( ion ) ? 4 you
7. Projekt Human meets : Hamburger money Suit and is in deeps shit , then meets apple goods 4 noble Truth get The Truths and finds joy love Peace ... = It's about the kind of the way trougth which humans will find they way here now to the truth and match more and this is the cooperation and enterprise 4 it to be freely avaible 4 you 2 , with pieces of art of book ( s ) paintings , ... , and macth more
8. Projekt Lehrveranstaltung : Projekt LEhrveranstaltung= It's about a educational organisation to teach and work and studie and research the truth , in any and many way ( s ) and mattch more, truought many means methodes , ....., you will learn whats all about , so eat well ; ) youu need to be strong to use this force of the truth as of the free , ... , ?
9.Projekt A ! Rohganz ? : ganz A ! Rohganz ? = It's about a food store, for body soal and spirit , with raw food , in this sens life and lifing and mactch more , just take a vissit and have some meal and eat a bit , there will be different menues and match more , as the store will be open in real in about 2017 until then there will be the possibility to see it's devlopement and growth and match more ; ) bone appetited ?
8/9 Projekt Devil Note : 4 the beginning a manga named Devil Note more 2 come 4 sure but 4 sure the Devil is there do you notice him, hi did 4 sure notice you in his Devil Note ; )
8/6 Projekt : Das Geselschaftspiel : Würfeln mit dem Teufel : Nun sie würfeln , eine sechs , zwei , ... , und sie kriegen es mit dem teufel zu tun, dann können wir sagen wir darum würfel das sie ihre seele behalten, zu großer einsatz wie wäre es damit einen einblick in die hölle zu erhalten, oder rauszufinden was sie so den an sünden angestellt haben , wenn sie denn was getan habe oder wie die chncen stehen das sie doch in den Himmel Kommen , wer weiß wer weiß , vielleicht weiß es ja der TEufel finden sie es raus , es lohnt sich und wird sicherlich ein heißer abenden ; )
10 : Soal school = as it's said here is the school 4 the soal were you can learn things you other way's never heard of ! you may learn some thing usefull ?
11. Artist : Maximilian Zabielski = Here you can find ou some things ! and some not ? about the person who is responsible for all this crap and will possibly lose his head or some thing 4 this if he won't work hard enougth and well enougth as you would like to kick him in his butt you may research here which wouuld be the best way that it migth really hurt ; ) as a tipp ! as I work as a asrtist and Maximilian Zabielski is this arttist name you are shure who this one is ?
12. To Know me , or to studie me = As it may be good to know who this fellow is, it may be of even bigger intrest to find him some were and be prepared, as he mogth alsways be one step ahead of you ! maybe the step you are behind him ? so ti lockaed this bastared you may search here ; P
13.Kontakt ( über diese seite ) = If this might be to match our to personal , you migth jusst ggo the formal and indirekt way and use this kontaktformula ! here to see what he migth do ?
14 Donation Spenden = As this all here is done with out any help of you and works prfekt it could use some more work, as always more , so if you have any thing you don't need and thing it would be a good invesstment to donate it here is a good place , as all comes back to you and this here has nothing more then more work and baggeg it's only in your benefit, the force ratio is abbout at the moment that if you give some thing in the value of say we 1 $ , in one moth all and match more is richer by about of any thing in that worth 1 million $ and that is not making you really richer becouse you will be the same riche compared to the otherss but it is praktically usefuull such a investment, this here is happy to do the wwork you woun't and like it to work it's own butt of ! or on ?
16. Forum = Here migth be a big diskussion going abou the newest event'S developement ! and macth more ? ; )
17. Gästebuch = Here all who behave good and are nice guest can tell there story of there life , all other which try to do different which they know they shoulden't should not be supriesed ! why they shoulden't ?
18. Here you finde what you need 4 your free enterprise 2 = as it's said if you sshould be inspirited and want to join in this endover and buisness you migths find here some usefull tools and helps , as always some time it'S good to start from the bottom ! for a better undersatnding ? ; )
19. Selbstverteidigung im Shaolin Style in der cha'an form = as it said it's self defens in the shaolin style in the cha'an form 4 you 2 so you are prepared ! 4 any trouble and more ? ; )
20. = as said my inner as outher fire and of this all which leads us ! 2 the ? 4 you 2 ?
21 . Unimportend Trash = as at the buttom you maybe should start here 4 a better understanding, or understanding at all , outherwise you might not really know a bit , as it's supposed to be a mysterie how your journey here will begin you just may take ! the first step ? befor it takes you ! ; ) ( migth be a joke but not about every joke you mogth ! laugth ? , even if it is a very good one ! or even the best ? )
22. = If you was over whelmed with the magnitued of this gratetued of attitued of art4you2 you must ! start here ? to overcome your weakness to face your enemy ? thats you !
Willkommen auf art4you2
Was so viel heißt wie „ Kunst für Dich auch „
Sie fragen sich warum die hier präsentierte Kunst auch was für sie sein soll und nicht
wie die meiste Kunst nur für eine kleine Minderheit verfügbar ist und in an sich allen Fällen
nur dem genuss dient und man aus ihr keine nutzen ziehen soll ?
Sie fragen sich warum art4you2 anders sein soll , eine lebendige Reflexion unsere Kultur und Gesellschaft das ihnen in den aktuellen und wichtigsten Themen unsere Zeit eine Quelle von Wissen und Weisheit ja insgesamt einen Direkten Praktischen Nutzen bringt der auch was verändert in der Welt in der wir Leben , der wir ausgesetzt sind und ständig durch den Wandel ,
in wohl kaum keiner Zeit so viel und schnell von statten geht , bedroht sind und sich verteidigen müssen um nicht von ihm mitgezogen zu werden .
Nun das und viel mehr bietet ihnen art4you2 , als kleine Einblick sehen sie hier ein herrkömmliches Bild , von Boba Fett , und dem zum Kontrast ein Kunstwerk aus der Sammlung von Werken von art4you2 das im Kontrast zum „gewöhnlichen „ flachem Bild , ein lebendiges räumliches 3 D Kunstwerk ist was sie am besten selber beobachten .
Hier kannst du eine Blick in einige Stücke der Kunst, mögen es sein, malerrein, oder Fotos wie auch Digitale Kunstarbeiten. Wie die Zeit kommt, wirst du hier auch die Theorien finden zu den gezeigten Perspetiven in den die Kunst geschaffen wurde und den Weg in welchen sie ins Sein kommt. Ich hoffe du kannst es so sehr geniessen wie Ich es tue wenn ich sie kreiere und immer tue, indem ich eine Blick in sie Werfe, sie studiere oder einfach Spass habe zu erfahren wie sie Wirkt.