Art 4 You 2 / Kunst für Dich auch

Piece of Art
Perspektives for Perseptions
Writen words
Projekt Ökonisation
Projekt The Bank with the Wipe ?
Projekt Human meets : Hamburger money Suit and is in deeps shit , then meets apple goods 4 noble Truth get The Truths and finds joy love Peace ...
Projekt Lehrveranstalltung : Projekt Lehrveranstaltung
Projekt A ! Rohganz ? : ganz A ! Rohganz ?
Projekt : Devil Note
Projekt : Das Geselschaftsspiel : Würfeln mit dem Teufel
Projekt Illuminati
Projekt The Night Gate
Projekt : Maximilian Zabieslski
Projekt : Umbrella corporation
Projekt : Sozialer Nationalismus
Soal School
Artist : Maximilian Zabielski
To Know me , or to studie me
Kontakt ( über die Website als solches )
Do!nation ? no ! w ? Spenden ? nein ! danke ?
Here you finde what you need for your free Enterprise
Selbst Verteidigung im Shalin Style in der Chaán Form
Thats whats drives me gives me strenght and guides me truth the world I left behind and in the world I life
Unimprotend Trash
=> The Book : The Truth
=> The growth of The book : The Truth
=> Here you may get the Book may be
=> The Book : The Truth V 1
=> The Book :The Truth V 2
=> The Book : The Truth V 3( still growing )
=> The right numbers
=> The Book : The Truth for publik eyes v 3 ( still growing )
=> You do sell ! art4you2 ? don't buy it !
=> The Book : The Truth v 3 ( stage 2 ) for publik eyes
=> The Book : The Truth v 3 ( stage 3 ) for publik eyes
4 beginners ! 2 advanced ?
Nun Fragen über fragen aber Keine Antworten
Light as magik as Dark as Charm
Perspektives for Perceptions

Some words will come, when time is right for them, to bring some light in the heaviness / Ein Paar Worte werde bald komme, wenn die Zeit die Richtige ist, um ein bischen Licht in die Schwere zu bringen
Here you finde what  you don´t search , what you run away from what you never whanted to see, but what becouse you are here has found you it is : The Truth and you are Unimportend trash thats why you are here to find out the truth about you why are you here . The way to the truth which is the truth has lead you here, continue to find out what that means

It means that you are to be recycled, you say not again then it may be time for a change and you become what you supposed to be the truht ( you may think it´s be spelled true you are wrong thats the truth ) you and not what you supposed to be unimported trash.not you

A sample 4 your prove that there is no thing to prove , what a grove this marvelase move : 

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000253 EndHTML:0000020687 StartFragment:0000003300 EndFragment:0000020651 SourceURL:file://localhost/Volumes/USB%20DISK/The%20Truth%20the%20Book%20in%20Philosophie%20of%20sciences%20%20from%20The%20Book%20The%20Truth.doc






Backlase : This book were this is a reading sample is called by it´s name The Truth The Book cause The Book The Truth is the Truth as it is written in the way , as a artistk methode and technik  as it is more a piece of art disguised as a book as a book disguised as a piece of Art , that allways you read , see , hear ,… , the book it is The Truth as it would be Truth so 2 say that it is a book about Truth or is Truth it´self as a way to show Truth and learn to use , apply , studie , … , it . As a sample of this way here let´s say that this what you hear here , loud our silent , is the word that stands here , let´s say word , as it was truth it was true you readed as heared word as it is you read the next word afther this Truth is what you heared our readed as it is truth as it is true it was all true as Truth as stands here by that way in many methods and technik the Book works as it´s this work works as the Truth it may be called The Truth The Book you may like 2 read more Truth as The Book The Truth here is from the 4 rd V the 1. arear as real of Truth to have a marveliose sample , as you may to read , find , use ,…, more and like 2 aquirer this Book as Truth it´self you may find that the Truth is , as the Book , free avaible , at least all of it except one page that is missing , as it is 2 free avaible but only in a changed way but still thee same way  2 know more read the summary the back , which you can find also as the Book in it´s different Versions short V which are published and avaible 4 publik here is a good side , web-page , to find it easy achessebel : , have fun with it , heare is a nice sample of this myterie , Truth , that is as allways The Truth ; )








  1. More skills ? More Some ! :

 More skills ? real More some ! real a yes yes yes ...




                                      Philosophie of sciences ?


                                             Praktice ! praktikly






              Praktice            Cha´an                                    Praktice     Cha`an


              Philosophie       San Dan                                 realise       San Dan     


              Science              Tai chi                                   aplikation   Tai Chi


              Studie                 Qi Gong                                research     Qi Gong


              Teaching             Kung Fu                               awarness    Kung Fu





With chines sciens ( spelled signs ) 4 chines









As you see , the know knowing  become sciencses , sciencs ( spelled sign ) , a the science is a tool 4 know , knowing applied has it´s tool knowleges as know become 2 Knowers know , as know sciens ( spelled signs ) , sciences messuere is what it achieves , that’s sciences philosophie the use of scien ( spelled sign ) as science as knowing know wise wising what it can achieve is sciences as allways the Truth .



Well , well , well tell so we are with this sciences of Philosophie of Sciences , yes yes yes a we get real , as the World is what you get as the World is what get you the World World the you get what is world the as get you what is World the as ? ! yes yes yes ? ? ?  


So let´s start really real , World with some thing easy , as tuff it may be , here you read sciences ( signs spelled symbolic as symbole as spelled sciences ) , a sciences ( spelled  signs )  as a yes yes yes words , as let say ! word ! which as a science are just good composition as , yes yes yes , sciences ( spelled signs ) as lets say l e t t e r s so a 7 way  composition of 7 sciencs ( spelled signs ) in this composition created by the science word , the word for sciencs ( spelled signs ) in the kategorie 4 letters 7 sciencs of  that which are as a scien ( spelled as sign ) 2 show in the most easy way a , a , a maybe some composing attributes it´s , a I got it , it´s a , yes yes a , so a a a , so you see every of this a a a is a scien ( spelled sign ) not similar 2 the other as it is different , as it may seem 2 a personality of old thoughts :there are 3 a´s and they are just a stupid vocabulation 4 , a a a , I don´t what 2 say , as a Person new , knew  : yes yes yes he tells me ( 1st a ) ,  there is a sign with which all algoritmik system of sciences from a kultures empire starts , by showing , as using it as this sciences works ( 2sc a ) , and use this scien by this cultures sciens as using it as this of it higher form by which this scin , scins , is it´s basic sciences , as langueg 2 letters , as a hole ( as atom greek philosophie ) so througth this methode and by the technik of speak telling with telling speakin letters he shows by the last scien as from the 3 scins not only as the beginning  the basic 4 this langueg but in the same way the basic 4 this letters , as the as the basic 4 2 speaking basicly telling by the appearing  of the 3rd a  ( a yes yes yes , 3rd a, yes yes yes , a )

So in a way he show´s by the philosophiecal science  of the science of the kultures by the most stupid  possible  way of  using and telling as 3 a´s ,  a a a , you would say that even a dumb baby is more intelligent the this and speaks better our uses language more elaboured then that , a a a , it does usally more ; )  , even in the most sick and crazy world , by using this three a a a  , a´s , a that only such a being as a combination of  a budda , Christ , mohammed , … , krishna , would be able 2 do , as to riddle the question if such a being would be  …..      





Living Art Projekts and background

As there gone be Winter as Sprig and Summer and Fall, new Seasons of the creating of some piece of Art there gone be here, some more to them as they come into being and the background in which they appear / So wie es gibt den Winter als auch den Frühling und den Sommer und den Herbst, neue Saisonen von der Schaffung von einem Stück Kunst dahin geben wird hier sein Sein, etwas mehr zu ihnen wie sie ins Sein kommen und dem Hintergrund in dem sie erscheinen

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