Art 4 You 2 / Kunst für Dich auch

Piece of Art
Perspektives for Perseptions
Writen words
Projekt Ökonisation
Projekt The Bank with the Wipe ?
Projekt Human meets : Hamburger money Suit and is in deeps shit , then meets apple goods 4 noble Truth get The Truths and finds joy love Peace ...
Projekt Lehrveranstalltung : Projekt Lehrveranstaltung
Projekt A ! Rohganz ? : ganz A ! Rohganz ?
Projekt : Devil Note
Projekt : Das Geselschaftsspiel : Würfeln mit dem Teufel
Projekt Illuminati
Projekt The Night Gate
Projekt : Maximilian Zabieslski
Projekt : Umbrella corporation
Projekt : Sozialer Nationalismus
Soal School
Artist : Maximilian Zabielski
To Know me , or to studie me
Kontakt ( über die Website als solches )
Do!nation ? no ! w ? Spenden ? nein ! danke ?
Here you finde what you need for your free Enterprise
Selbst Verteidigung im Shalin Style in der Chaán Form
Thats whats drives me gives me strenght and guides me truth the world I left behind and in the world I life
Unimprotend Trash
4 beginners ! 2 advanced ?
Nun Fragen über fragen aber Keine Antworten
Light as magik as Dark as Charm
Perspektives for Perceptions

Some words will come, when time is right for them, to bring some light in the heaviness / Ein Paar Worte werde bald komme, wenn die Zeit die Richtige ist, um ein bischen Licht in die Schwere zu bringen
Projekt Human meets : Hamburger money Suit and is in deeps shit , then meets apple goods 4 noble Truth get The Truths and finds joy love Peace ...

Kunstwerke um das zu veranschaulichen werden bald veröffenlticht , wobei The Book : The Truth as The Truth The Book schon so weit auf der Web-page veräffentlich ist, weiter Kunsterke wie The Movie : The Truth aller The Truth the Movie und vieles mehr kommt mit der zeit auch zu ihnen ; P, sie müssen nur finden ander Kunstwerke zu The Truth werden stück für stück bis 2017 veröffentlich .

a glimps of : The Book : The Truth

The Summery / The Back : Whats is this Book about , The Truth 

This book is the truth , but not only for you but for more , it already changed your life , cause you now know here some thing you didn´t and this is the truth , you even see it but at the moment it may not belong to you , you can even have it, nearly all of the Truth, there will be one page missing but the book is still complete, it´s a mysterie but it´s the truth, the one book page you may miss you may get it  in exchange for a small price , some € or may it be $ or any other of that in the quantiti of maybe 5 or 10 ,  ore something else you may trade or in any other way  . The missing page is only the difference between knowing the truth and knowing about the truth of the truth which is like the difference between day and night , betwenn wisedom and knowleg , with this one page all will be revealed to you, what don´t means it will not be revealed without it
But it can make make/help/change ... ,  it go match faster , knowing the truth .
But the cost as may it be the price for this book is your life , cause you already payed , it changed and you havend notice, really sure just read from the beggining  of this summary if you havend noticed you missed the truth, see it , maybe feel it , then read the truth and all will be revealed to you , you have just to do the deeds to get to the truth , may it be the book in any way you chose to get it , this is : 

                                               The Truth

                                                The Book

Living Art Projekts and background

As there gone be Winter as Sprig and Summer and Fall, new Seasons of the creating of some piece of Art there gone be here, some more to them as they come into being and the background in which they appear / So wie es gibt den Winter als auch den Frühling und den Sommer und den Herbst, neue Saisonen von der Schaffung von einem Stück Kunst dahin geben wird hier sein Sein, etwas mehr zu ihnen wie sie ins Sein kommen und dem Hintergrund in dem sie erscheinen

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