Art 4 You 2 / Kunst für Dich auch |
Perspektives for Perceptions |
Some words will come, when time is right for them, to bring some light in the heaviness /
Ein Paar Worte werde bald komme, wenn die Zeit die Richtige ist, um ein bischen Licht in die Schwere zu bringen |
As it is said , the lowest buissness we do is a fair trade , as money is only a tool to help to learn to exchange and trade by teaching how to value the goods it has itself no value or only that one as it use usefull for teaching at least but as it said as it is no nessesety or there is no need for it it is worth less , and is not nessesary for the buisness as exchange or trade or any else .
As you use extra wheels as you learn to drive bicycel they are only a help to find your balance the same way money and selling and buying are tool to help valueing goods, as most time in our kulture it is only used to benefit at th cost of others , and gooes against the law of equvilent exchange as trade , therefor buying and seeling and money as an tool of this it is strikle not used by any piece of art or this page or its owner/creater , that means buying seeling and money , so as it is said you can't buy here any thing or nothing here you can not buy any one and no one sells here any thing .
Its 4 ! free ?
as the lowest price soo you just have to payy the price to take it
and the highest price you can pay is to not use this chance ,
as every thing inbetween is negotiable on any level , you 2 know now here what money shoould teach you ! 2 value ?
If some one should try to do any of this selling buying buissnes with any of this property , of pieces of art , or this web.page or any thing else which has to do some thing with the owner of this , you may hit him in his filthy mount with some soap and wash his dirty toungth and tell him that he lost his head as his face and give him a fair trade for such filthy behavoure which would be to show him how its done ; )
4 tipps in good strategies and takties and skills you may read in the section 4 self defens and for any thing you need 4 your free enterprise :
Living Art Projekts and background |
As there gone be Winter as Sprig and Summer and Fall, new Seasons of the creating of some piece of Art there gone be here, some more to them as they come into being and the background in which they appear /
So wie es gibt den Winter als auch den Frühling und den Sommer und den Herbst, neue Saisonen von der Schaffung von einem Stück Kunst dahin geben wird hier sein Sein, etwas mehr zu ihnen wie sie ins Sein kommen und dem Hintergrund in dem sie erscheinen