Art 4 You 2 / Kunst für Dich auch

Piece of Art
Perspektives for Perseptions
Writen words
Projekt Ökonisation
Projekt The Bank with the Wipe ?
Projekt Human meets : Hamburger money Suit and is in deeps shit , then meets apple goods 4 noble Truth get The Truths and finds joy love Peace ...
Projekt Lehrveranstalltung : Projekt Lehrveranstaltung
Projekt A ! Rohganz ? : ganz A ! Rohganz ?
Projekt : Devil Note
Projekt : Das Geselschaftsspiel : Würfeln mit dem Teufel
Projekt Illuminati
Projekt The Night Gate
Projekt : Maximilian Zabieslski
Projekt : Umbrella corporation
Projekt : Sozialer Nationalismus
Soal School
Artist : Maximilian Zabielski
To Know me , or to studie me
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Do!nation ? no ! w ? Spenden ? nein ! danke ?
Here you finde what you need for your free Enterprise
Selbst Verteidigung im Shalin Style in der Chaán Form
Thats whats drives me gives me strenght and guides me truth the world I left behind and in the world I life
Unimprotend Trash
=> The Book : The Truth
=> The growth of The book : The Truth
=> Here you may get the Book may be
=> The Book : The Truth V 1
=> The Book :The Truth V 2
=> The Book : The Truth V 3( still growing )
=> The right numbers
=> The Book : The Truth for publik eyes v 3 ( still growing )
=> You do sell ! art4you2 ? don't buy it !
=> The Book : The Truth v 3 ( stage 2 ) for publik eyes
=> The Book : The Truth v 3 ( stage 3 ) for publik eyes
4 beginners ! 2 advanced ?
Nun Fragen über fragen aber Keine Antworten
Light as magik as Dark as Charm
Perspektives for Perceptions

Some words will come, when time is right for them, to bring some light in the heaviness / Ein Paar Worte werde bald komme, wenn die Zeit die Richtige ist, um ein bischen Licht in die Schwere zu bringen
    The Truth

    The Book

by Your original understanding ( me )

Inspirit by Universal nutrition for inteligence  ( me )

The price for this book is your life, cause it will changes now here you know the truth

Introduktion :  I decided to write a book, that you may  take a look as to see what is to be sawn, the truth cause its the right deed to do !

As I saw the truth I knew what it was, real and all that follows is what I see trought this insight of the truth  ! the World as it realy is the truth ?

Know now here that this is what has reached you the Truth and it will change you, your life , your World and you life being*s, as it always does cause thats the Nature of it, as it is , the truth .

There is only one choice, choice so chose, as you are responsible why not be responsible it will/is useful to use it , only useful and praktible to the best to you , thats the truth , so what´s the truth , it´s you  are responsible for all if you ask for what ! why you don´t ask for what you are not responsible ? for what , the truth  and you may fear it , cause you are responsible for the truth .

So you chose to now know here the truth , I will guide you trought the truth that you may know here now it as I was guided .32

The Truth about you ( ´r life , World , life being ´s ) , about life  , the World and the life beings about everything and nothing and far beyound beyound ..

To now know here it you have to know ( kennen ) past to understnand/mind the present and read the meaning trought the future. I will provide you with that ability to  taking you to the past here now , to the now here in the present  and the futher here now . The truth is that some is changed, the world , life the life beings everything/nothing all and beyound is even beyound and you haven´t noticed the truth, cause no thing happend but all changed , cause I did the deed who do it and I will tell you about it as this is what I have done, the truth. The Past will be as far and near we get the present will be  always the present here now and to the futher I will take you not fare to 2017 ( as it may be in the beginngn the futher in the middel the present and in the ende the past ) we you will then know  (  be it throught  past maybe present , if you studie and work well enought ,  or even futher, and are able  to apply what is said ) the truth about the truth.


Struckture :

 1.  Some skills and some more

The old World you think you still life in is gone, you only think it and feel responsonly to it the new World is are you are it  and the World will be seen as the truth about the truth is seen ( 2017 ) as this is the  journey I will take you and in which you will see the old so you may notice the new so you may realise the real , the truth . ( If you work hard and studie well you will gasp it may it be befor 2017, 2017 or afther the choise is yours ) ...


2.  Noticing the change

The Change, what is there to know as you now have noticed some has changed, as that you may notice the change  it self it is real and the only constand in the World it´s the truth , ...



3, Now know here be responsible for responsibility

Responsibility,time to be responsible and ask the question , whats in it for me . As the change is real and you now know here it, and you are responsible for it you should take advantage of it and use it so the best benefit to it and for you, I will show you the way , to change, the truth thats it , ( but if you try even to cxhanfe the truth it will change you ) ...


4.   Oriented you got by Orientation but don´t take it to far to the orient, thats not it ; P
You know now here what to do, the question is were to do it , let´s get oriented, what past is gone, let´s get it back , what present is here let´s use it , what comes will come let´s welcome it ...

5. You are ready and all is preparead, then lets see what you haven done, do it ; P

That´s all nice but now know here, whats about me, what I have to do ? To finde you the life , the world , the life beings in this new World and beyound that see real World the Truth .

                                             Know         they        self
                                          adjektive    nomen      verb

1. they ( your´s plus you , .. , ) to Know : you have to know now here : Know to they
2. Know to self ( in the sense of indepented free being ) : konstantly and independent : self to Know
3. self to they : you owne your here apply now : they to know 

What is this about ,
it´s about to change you by changing what you change that you may get what you need, what is you, more or less it is ( Body = joy happynes / Soal = love beuty /  Spirit = peace freedom )
                                       your buddy             your soalmate              your spiritualfriend
But how to get were you are if you are already were you are, let me introduce you to this mysterie, it´s
change, that´s the truth, try to change this for example view ( ) a cyrcel will become a (|) ball or was the cyrcel already the ball and the ball is just a cyrcel but you see two ( cyrcel ) ; P
don´t less one step going beyound one step missin one to for( may be 4 ! then there was 1 ? ) but more but eassy, but learn not the happenz earn the truth ; P ...


6. You are done and all is  preparing, then lets see what you haven been , be it ; P

That`s all nice but now know here , cause you are already changed it were I have to do it ! The Question is not allowed it´s now here, the truth what´s the truth I have to be is the I change to be ther so you now        to         is        it    ,
                       nomen  verb  adjetive

                                              Be                it              do
                                          life being     World          life

1, Be to do : where you is as what was old become new and changed into real : do to be
2. do to it    : what you have learned be : it to do
3. it to Be    :may open your eyes and now here : be to do

So here we are, in the middel of the change, and now know here you noticed it, a bit late isn´t it, if it´s been here all the time and you didn´t get it  , it got you and it hit you , the queation is why ! Cause you didn´t know the truth ? Thats to easy, some one hidded  it from ( (us) ( it must have been the deviel or even the guy who employed him god ) ) you , or was it hidden for you haven´t seen it because it is real, why cause it did´t exist ; P  it is ! , is it ? the truth ; P ....


7.    You are fine and all is a ryhme, then let it is what you haven´t is it ! are ? the truth ; P

So thats awsome now here , but know now here as you see the truth, now to benefit from it, how to use it, thats  were the magic begins .

                                           Old       change    new
                                         studie       apply     learn

1. Old to new :fades away and stayes hidde you earn ( truth hard work, effort ( mühe ) . anstrengung  )
     new truth  : new to old to change : show you the way as you become truth : change to new
3.change to old : open the eyes to new view of truth of the : old to new

As I sayed in the introduktion, I gave done it , ypi got what you need , ypu notice what yiz didn´t notice abd yiz see what you didn´see , the truth , time to know the truth and see me the one whi has done it , found the truth and guided you not only on the way to the new world but created the real truth ( spelled ! trought ? ) real /truth ( spelled ! true ? )  change ( spelled ! changed ? ) , I may be right here now knowing you not having noticed noticed cazse you nothing , you not knpw now here zje truth , you just see it, you see it truth. Time to change it, that you don´t know ttime to know, and by the way aüüly and ve wise that you can zse this for yor best . ...


8. So afther all this unimportend trash, what there is to have a bit fun anf pleasure, cause afther all that hard work there has to be some fruits I earned ! and there are ? even more to find cause it find you here now know the truth .

Finaly you know and are wise fine you say but where is the fun were is that what is real and can be played  and who should I trust that even he showed this ?

All this is already yours, you are life , life beings , the world but you are not allone, there are others, there is truth wgat this supposed to mean and what is my  roll in this .let it put it this way , life is like a fame , ot´s not avout winning it´abpit fun so to say for , and you are not the rolle you play but the player.
The World is like a playground, it´s not about the best place it´s about the best fun and you are not in the play vut in the playing you is .
The lifebeings are like Opponents , it´s not about beating eacg other, it´s about fun abd they are not the enemys but your best friend´s
So let´s know the Situatuion, You , World , life . You are now knowing here by the truth and the truth now know here you and you are self your truth you and now what to do and were to do it and how to do it so you may life ! A You may ask as you know this where is it the truth , it´s all around us in us and between us it´s us but thats not importdent,  (that is obvies at least afther all this work it should be for you ) , importend is, what has changed and who had did it and what you have missed and why and what has not changed not that no is all , you cause it  was changed by you and that was changed by me who as be you may ask I may answere who is he not . ...


The Middel :  The Truth is coming closer and close to the reader and with time and underfstanding the reader is drawn into the deept and of all there is , in there context there is teaching, healing, exploring, play, fun , developement, and match more , ...   ,  as interaktion live even´ts discoveries enlightent´s  , awakenings and graduation  also wins with out losses ,  losses with wins , insights , knowlege, wisdome and all the other you like to see here  and match more , ... ,

The story is told ( it´s the readers life from a enlightend and awakend perspetive , as many other changes from the normal / publik kultural views or say be more opinions  )  of the changein the world and the reader and the truth comes into the life truth ( spelled ! trought ? )the ende the reader get deeper and deeper as close as near to the present and see know, and become wise to open the doors to his hidden world , and discover ( plus of cours ,masters , learn , understands, heal ,  invents , researches , ... ,  and all the other what you like and dislike to do like hard work  , effort to give value   , ... , )  this all is asd he know but  for he knew nothing befoure .

Preview :   So may it be : as the truth cams out there may be some one who knows the truth and is, one step ahead he already done this all and is far beyound andy thing, his main plan may be this one for this big event to happen he uses there all what he finds , he don´t really do new stuff but do stuff new that way he will be undercover, he may spread the word , he may even do some deeds to put things into motion now here were the book come into circulation ( 2013 ) he may publish a book or there is maybe a movie , were you see what he is doing , he may thing a good religion to change as a tool would be buddsem ( as Buddas teaching ) cause they work as a praktibel and usefull way , a good goverment to change would be the kommunist chines, cause the kommunist goverment has the strangest influence and china is the biggest kommunist goverment and a good educational system would be that in germany cause he life there and studies there and he may realy have already a step there in the door , the one you missed ; P  , and maybe more or less in the other fields , and the big realisation of this change to the publik ( may come , what is the truth ) part even befor 2017 and some may know him already but don´t know it jet. But what maybe changes and what has he already changed, all that questions ! and no answers ? 

The Ende ( the last ( in this case missing ) page ) : You may finde !  if you may finde it ?  ...


The Summery / The Back : Whats is this Book about , The Truth

This book is the truth , but not only for you but for more , it already changed your life , cause you now know here some thing you didn´t and this is the truth , you even see it but at the moment it may not belong to you , you can even have it, nearly all of the Truth, there will be one page missing but the book is still complete, it´s a mysterie but it´s the truth, the one book page you may miss you may get it  in exchange for a small price , some € or may it be $ or any other of that in the quantiti of maybe 5 or 10 ,  ore something else you may trade or in any other way  . The missing page is only the difference between knowing the truth and knowing about the truth of the truth which is like the difference between day and night , betwenn wisedom and knowleg , with this one page all will be revealed to you, what don´t means it will not be revealed without it
But it can make make/help/change ... ,  it go match faster , knowing the truth .
But the cost as may it be the price for this book is your life , cause you already payed , it changed and you havend notice, really sure just read from the beggining  of this summary if you havend noticed you missed the truth, see it , maybe feel it , then read the truth and all will be revealed to you , you have just to do the deeds to get to the truth , may it be the book in any way you chose to get it , this is :

                                               The Truth



Living Art Projekts and background

As there gone be Winter as Sprig and Summer and Fall, new Seasons of the creating of some piece of Art there gone be here, some more to them as they come into being and the background in which they appear / So wie es gibt den Winter als auch den Frühling und den Sommer und den Herbst, neue Saisonen von der Schaffung von einem Stück Kunst dahin geben wird hier sein Sein, etwas mehr zu ihnen wie sie ins Sein kommen und dem Hintergrund in dem sie erscheinen

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