Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000230 EndHTML:0000127197 StartFragment:0000002870 EndFragment:0000127161 SourceURL:file://localhost/Volumes/USB%20DISK/The%20Truth%20v%203%20(%20stage%203%20in%20progress%20)%20for%20publik%20.doc
The Truth
The Book
by Your original understanding ( me )
Inspirit by Universal nutrition for inteligence ( me )
The price for this book is your life, cause it will changes now here you know the truth
Introduktion : I decided to write a book, that you may take a look as to see what is to be sawn, the truth cause its the right deed to do !
As I saw the truth I knew what it was, real and all that follows is what I see trought this insight of the truth ! the World as it realy is the truth ?
Know now here that this is what has reached you the Truth and it will change you, your life , your World and you life being*s, as it always does cause thats the Nature of it, as it is , the truth .
There is only one choice, choice so chose, as you are responsible why not be responsible it will/is useful to use it , only useful and praktible to the best to you , thats the truth , so what´s the truth , it´s you are responsible for all if you ask for what ! why you don´t ask for what you are not responsible ? for what , the truth and you may fear it , cause you are responsible for the truth .
So you chose to now know here the truth , I will guide you trought the truth that you may know here now it as I was guided .32
The Truth about you ( ´r life , World , life being ´s ) , about life , the World and the life beings about everything and nothing and far beyound beyound ..
To now know here it you have to know ( kennen ) past to understnand/mind the present and read the meaning trought the future. I will provide you with that ability to taking you to the past here now , to the now here in the present and the futher here now . The truth is that some is changed, the world , life the life beings everything/nothing all and beyound is even beyound and you haven´t noticed the truth, cause no thing happend but all changed , cause I did the deed who do it and I will tell you about it as this is what I have done, the truth. The Past will be as far and near we get the present will be always the present here now and to the futher I will take you not fare to 2017 ( as it may be in the beginngn the futher in the middel the present and in the ende the past ) we you will then know ( be it throught past maybe present , if you studie and work well enought , or even futher, and are able to apply what is said ) the truth about the truth.
Structure :
1. Some skills and some more
The old World you think you still life in is gone, you only think it and feel responsibly to it the new World is are you are it and the World will be seen as the truth about the truth is seen ( 2017 ) as this is the journey I will take you and in which you will see the old so you may notice the new so you may realise the real , the truth . ( If you work hard and study well you will gasp it may it be before 2017, 2017 or after the choice is yours ) .
Some Skills ! some more ?
Kill Past , as the old World
The Old World : What we need is this, they always say but as much we get of them the less change, what we don’t want to know is what we miss so we create illusions of it and pretend to be there . What we depend on we destroy before we are independent of it and even before we know that’s good for . That’s how the World worked, some time ago and still is in your behaviour of thoughts and the responding feelings to it to it tells it do you feel ! it ? the old World cause it feels ! you ? , but it is gone this world and it’s fading in you to cause it’s from a death star’s light we speak of the star is long gone and by the way never was the problem that’s the truth .
Lets start with something easy , like € or ¥ or $ ! what they supposed to mean ? , they are what we need they say , more values ( as money represent value ) the better it should get , but first we need is more of that then we get more of the money which then changes some thing in the direction we like > direction joy love peace that’s the truth . So what we miss then is value itself ?
cause we don’t know what this is , this is the truth . What comes next we have need, missIis depend you look what happens to the world it’s always less and less of it and it’s values is going down , plus they value by the way are also trashed . What’s the value of money jet, it , debt to our self what we own us , the truth , that’s the truth.
So the question comes, why is that so ! and who is hiding this from us ! the truth or is it maybe because it’s hidden and no one knows the truth, expect you now here know the truth, but what is the truth . Why need some thing, cause you didn’t cared for the fact that all your needs are satisfied and become unresponsible by giving the responsibility to others who are more irresponsible than you , cause they don’t take responsibility for they own irresponsibility but pretend they are responsible, by the way making you responsible for they irresponsibility ; P , that’s the truth . So what you don’t need is irresponsibility , you have to be responsibility, cause what you don’t need to is be responsible that way nothing will change , that’s the truth be responsibility and do responsible is the own part of the truth . That way you have no needs any more , and become needed , the way for where why and how , as all other , will be revealed to you here now know the truth .
So be responsible ( like so be light ; P ) and adapt what you have learn , be responsibility and do responsible responsible to what you need , what you miss and what you not know about what you depend on and destroy, what would be the truth, but you can’t go on the old world does in you and the new world got you the real is waiting and the truth knows more then you can know to imagine , so be prepared as things happen soon .
Breath Future , as The new World
The new World : Were we are needed is there, you always know now here, the closer we get , to the truth the ,ore changes, this is the truth. What we want to know now here is who misses us so it create truth , real , ... , of it and it pretends to not be there , cause you know now here that it’s here and it has not to show that it’s there cause it’s not needed, cause it’s the truth . What we are independent from we create before we are dependent independent from it and even after we don’t know what’s bad it is . That how you worked for some time and still will in your life , world , life being , ... , as you , but this world goes on for ever cause it’s from a live stare ( s ) darkness you are you moulded the light I are I and is the way you always are that’s the truth , welcome in the new World .
Let’s start with some easy Soul , things , values lets start with europa ( in short € or Japan in short ¥ or the US in short $ ) what they supposed to be , as they are what they supposed to be you will notice , they are were we needed we know now here , the truth , more valuing more value as it may be honoured and it’s duty fulfilled as it may be treading it as a home will we the password to enter this country , as a country (as in which form it is , $ a union , ¥ a nation , $ a company ) is that supposed to be a country and not a hell for heaven , or a heaven for hell ( the old world ) , it has to be , the more this will be the better it is as it get better even more better , but first we are needed more value , lets value the planet as a home that we will be in the home as the home will be in us and between us , is what is more were we are needed is in the Universe so we gone be more valued as our value will rise beyond all there is , know now here the truth this way is the change to the direction we will travel which is as we are
( Body = joy, happiness / Soal = love , beauty , Spirit = peace , freedom )
to what we are
(life = fun adventure , life beings = enjoyment , pleasure World = race , freedom)
What misses us then is the values itself , cause we don’t know now here that we are already there were we are missed cause we missed it , the truth . What cams next we are needed , we are missed , I depend you look what happens to the world it’s always is what the world is as it is value of value jet , if the independent from it self what gave us , the truth , it’s true value . the truth. So the question goes , how is that not , it’s not as you think it is cause it is as it is it and why we are not knowing this cause we first to know this , we have to see this that’s why it was hidden cause we hidded our eyes from it as we closed it and fall into sleep ! As you are awake now know here you see the truth, as the truth has always sawn you you may see now know here
the others. Why others need you you cause there have have to be taking care of , so they may use you the best way they can , to your , they benefit and you have become responsible by becoming responsibility forth own irresponsibility , but pretend they are irresponsible , that the Truth . So what you are don’t needed was irresponsibility , you have to be irresponsible and are responsibility , that way all changes , that the Truth . That way you are not needed by becoming what is needed a person responsible , and come were you are in need , the way that is you , as all will , and more , that will satisfied this need be revealed to you there now know , the truth .
So you become responsibility , know now here stay that way adapt you teach , are responsibility and your deeds are responsible responsibility , to where it is needed , what is missed and what you now know here are independent from and create , what would be the truth , but you can see go on the old world as you got into the new World which awaited you and look out for you , as you do for it and the real is in place the world and watches you , do you see that cause it sees that and the Truth , now know here that what’s about up with that will need match virtue , grace
handsomeness ( geschick ) to discover about that , that is the Truth , so know now here is beyond your here now knowing here and match more this truth, the truth that is the truth , so are prepared cause all is prepared , the truth that is , is it happens soon that it will be revealed to you , as it allways , is , do you notice it , cause it notice you don’t notice , that’s the truth . ...
See Present , as The real World
The real World, the Truth that is the World, were things in use as they use use it is always now know here change the Nature of the World , this is the Truth and it always changes in it´s Nature more cause this is the Nature of change it is change it self but what always is there is the Truth ! is it change ? what is this truth ! the Truth ? What we know now here what changes not , changes , what you ,missed is that all , nothing , you , .... changed so you know now here what changes all the time ! (all) what is not change ? and the truth , the change hit’s you as it always does cause you don´t change, nice to meet the truth , welcome in the World for real the Truth . And you may now know here , as Devil may cry’s , here now know that the truth even can show it self but it don´t means you have to see it , it sees you as it hit´s you and you don´t see it coming as it hit´s you , the truth that is what hit´s you , why don´t change change as to protected you , may be cause you can´t protected you from the truth , it´s protects you , from the truth that you can´t protect your self , you Soal.
That what work’s all the time more , as more time it has to work more the more it works as it may be the change as the World , as the life , as the life beings , as this is the truth Nature to work more work to work hard , work the truth as it always works you out , a change you see it´s your beings Nature , be one with it as it is one with you cause this always work , this is the truth as you may see this as the star works , as it is work itself and keeps you awake and enlightened , that’s the truth the truth that it, and it´s the way it always is that the truth that we (came) from the World , did you noticed this change of view , view of change this notice ; P
Let’s start with some easy stuff Soal , how about the unimportant trash you have been hiding away, that’s you I talk about let´s find for what it good this thought that you are unimportant trash , that there is this trash unimportant thinking it thinking so know Soal is Soal and unimportant trash is thinking let´s ask , what’s important not ! as there are a lot important answers ? Maybe the World , why there is no one know about it , from it , or it or even see it cause you see money ( the tool to learn to measure know value ) and don´t see value as there be a value to see , so you may be blind , or may you see the truth as it opens your eyes now know here it always does as it did as it is doing know now here .
So as you may value € , $ , ¥ ( Europa , US , Japan ) you may see the value
neighbour union state
a cooperation’s , a company’s , a nation’s so may be use it ! what’s in it for me ? worth endeavours like a life , a world , a life being(´s) , as the truth as you honour them fulfil your duties and tread them as your home you may enter the country of the truth . And as a heaven for your journeys and a bell for the awakening of your dreams this will work and be a paradise or more it has got you a and is your freedom of Soal for the best dream your life , world , life being(s) simply you but what is even better is there has to be more Soal´s so there is gone be fun, so created hell on earth and heaven so we may reach paradise here now know it´s done, so do this ! so we got more important stuff ? Soal´s create for them hell earth heaven so they may hit the truth, paradise as it´s here now know this World , you may have noticed , cause I did as that is the Truth , may you follow the writhe (wisdom) rabbit (knowledge) to the food that is the Truth , as it tastes good as it was prepared to taste always better, that’s the Truth , time to adept and get the message be one as the truth is one and be one with it as it always is ! will you ?
This is the truth , you notice Soal be the truth as you may hit it, the truth will you ; P all .that may direct your direction as you hit the truth it will hit you that you can´t hit you and the the truth hit´s you you can´t hit it you may meet it hitting you the truth with you that’s the truth that hit´s you again and you may missed the truth as you meet it may we meet again ! says the truth ? do you read ! it reads you ? cause you always miss , the truth maybe cause it´s the step ahead which you are behind the truth, that it hit´s you that is the truth is one step ahead ; P and you are ! unimportant trash ? may it be the truth ! that trash’s you or you unimportant trash that hit´s the truth my Soal may that be the truth ! read the truth ? so this truth what may it be the Truth , may it be it is
Body Soal Spirit did you miss your buddy and your spiritual friend as maybe your soal mate as it never misses you as it meet´s you as it´s hit you , may this be the truth .
So may the life, the life beings , the spirit be the Soal as it is Body Soal Spirit as it may be the Truth , that’s the truth you meet as it hit´s you with what with the truth , that’s the truth it hit you . You missed the Truth . As you may notice the truth is independent and perfect as it never misses as it always hit´s Soal´s , as it knows the unimportant trash it´s weakness the Soal´s unimportant trashing pollution’s poison it´s you as / not I , by by ; P it hit , a bit may it be a bite
; b What does we get as it hit´s use we get a advanced , our hit of our life as life of ours hit´s us ; P , So the answers ! comes ( your win , profit , rendit ) it´s all there is ? and the answers goes there is always more ! what you may ask pressure you may answerer of the truth cause it´s not always stronger , cause what is there stronger then the truth ! the force the truth ? That’s why you stayed hidden now know here the truth always here now knows about your hiding cause it hidded you so you ask why 1 you may question why not ? cause it fun to play hide and seek the truth so it plays with you why ! do you read the truth ? it´s reads you !
But now know here you are not alone there are others hiding ( like you ) , by the truth you may see them as they read the truth as they been told to read the truth as the truth reads them , read the truth . So you are up to the truth and lost all your unimportant trash of bagged and are enlightened so you lightened up time is wake wake time up may you do this way , get the past and bust it use the present and lust it welcome the further not dust ist but just it may be the truth so you may get some skills and more as you got so match kills , as the truth hit´s you , and more as you hit the ground of your understanding your underground the grove sound of the truth it may be the the rhyme of this verbal crimes of devilish rhymes without crimes . You may not continue , you may life with the truth , truth the stays you come and go so truths come and goes the truth always stays , in the beginning , in the middle in the End and were else not .
So you wane stay to , you may , don´t sleep but rest ; P don´t tighten up but lighten up but don´t miss the sleep as the tight as it is always tight sleep you get wet as you sweet but be strong and survive this song as you may learn to life and earn your life and this may be your wife and the world may be pall as your life beings may be your child may this be your skill and you may stay as the truth stays , that is the truth you may meet , meet may you truth the is that , stay ! ?
so more skills for you Soal , you may meet the world , the truth . Use what you are and be used by what you are and be skilled that’s a good start , find your art as may be there your heart and then learn the way to earn the truth and you may get what you will be what you would use to use the truth you may benefit the best way you would so you would find your skill and more , but don´t get bored but bore to the ground you may find the treasure that was hidden in your leisure and this may be one of your pleasure , fruits , tree of the seed of life of the discoveries of the truth , that is the truth .
So you got some skill’s but were are the trill’s of your kill’s , you may kill as you should kill as it´s a question of kill or be killed , to you prefer to be killed , as you as you always are by the truth , our kill the truth , the unimportant trash as thrasher you supposed to kill as the truth kills it always as it is change and may be your dead as it always kills the unimportant trash as thrasher as you the Soal may need some skills and more to do it by self’s way your way . There the skill is to NOTE DEATH as you may kill by your own skills self the weak point’s of your Soal which always caused your dead and rise as the phoenix from your ashes you may Soal be ; P
here is your DEATH NOTE , you just have to purify , train , use your skills to notice it and haunt your skills and more , ...
2. Noticing the change
The Change, what is there to know as you now have noticed some has changed, as that you may notice the change it self it is real and the only constant in the World it´s the truth , ...
The Change , noticing the change
So as the change noticed you , you may notice the change and notice it´s function it´s the truth so as the truth is real as change is what one has to do as to be change , to work more to adapted to the change and life the truth as that’s the changes Nature truth the is the truth the change the work to adept to change as there are things that don´t ( like ) change , as unimportant trash as thrashers you all more , as that may change we may get the past back , you , thinking feeling according to the old world , Soal knowing wising in the new World and the Truth’s Truth the nature of the real World real as the way to this world as the DEATH NOTE you may notice the Nature of it the fading of the old the use of the new and the welcome of the real as this may be the change in past present further now know here the truth . You may see this threefold ness of the change as your resources your tools and your products as they always change what changes not is change ! cause it is changing ? did you notice the change , did you notice the truth , you may allow self Soal your to read beyond this word now know here and read all other words , as the paper , you , your room , place , environment , country , ... , World , life , life beings and notice that’s all the same it´s like you can describe this or call it a law , it´s constant and you can formulated it , it´s the true Nature of Nature the Nature of change , you may call it the Truth , as it got you the truth, your true Nature , Nature the truth ; P , do you noticed the change ! noticing the change ? it new you would as you would as you do you will does notice this , the change , The Truth , the nature .
So the question comes , how to be aware of the change as one notice it, you may start small and write a note book , you may call it by it´s name DEATH NOTE and notice there one aspect of change dead , as a transmutation or metamorphosis , you can notice that as a caterpillar is dieing , as the process of dead , and by that changes into a butterfly , as this dead is really slow , takes some time it may be easy to Notice and you then can write in your DEATH NOTE were you have noticed dead , a change ; P . As there would be good to have some tools to work with as you have have your skills , you may use your e(as)yes your ears and your feelings as you may most easily see, hear and feel dead , as any other agent , of change , that is the truth , you may also taste or smell it but that be for more advanced practitioners ; P
So let´s start with some easy notices, you may not have to really write all your notices down as dead notices all and writes it down 4 you 2 so you may work for dead , as it already knows all and has it written in it´s book, but you may as well work for your self , the choice is yours . So lets notice what we see is dead , a there comes the old world it is changed , and the only grave stone you may get are your memories of it are . I may be your thoughts, as you may hear them and even feel them You may notice the New World which is killing you that you dead may ( the walking dead ) life that´s a change to as dead , as you may notice dead works both ways , like a balancer and you may change in a stable form as the real world which is the Nature of change as the Nature itself it may be the Truth , it is change itself always changing . that´s the truth . So your eyes may be see this here now where you are now knowing here to know your ears may hear it as you read this or any other sound here around you here now know that´s the truth you notice dead you may notice your own as you got killed here now by the truth you may know now here notice that , cause you changed by changes addend dead ; P that’s the truth . So as was said we use our tools to notice the old world ( dead walking ) and the new world ( life breathing ) to see the truth , the change , you may notice that , the change itself , the truth. So let´s start training and see . hear feel the change , or any other aspect of the Truth as the life , … , and notice there the change as we may get closer to change itself as we gone get even closer to the truth itself , which will be The Truth . So here now we have the impossible hard task to do and have to know it´s already done cause we got prepared by dead for this task and what is left is to notice that , as we may notice that this is the truth . So let´s use our skills, our tools and get started , easy and simple , let´s see , hear , feel dead , change , in the past in the present as in the further , as this is what we payed for , with our life that we may be dead , that we may come back to life and get our life back and life as it may be changed , it change as it changes it may be work it .
The past died , noticing the change
First the Past died , it´s gone as it was said it´s pass us , it´s past , so as it´s gone were does it went ! maybe it´s still here it just changed that may be a a present to get you further to the truth, that may be the truth . So let´s look, hear , feel closer , you was once a ball, then there were two , you was a fish , a ( mammal , the a baby , you may be a child , you become a apprentice , a human of this world , … , and are now here what and who and now you are as you get from the past closer to the present and maybe see , hear , feel to the future which you may welcome as it welcome you , as here now is change , as may be dead to , as some of your cells may die or you may lose some hair or breath , as it is a dead as it is a change and you now know here may be see the future is no different as it will be a change to as it itself is changing to all the times as it is life dead dying as the further and coming into life as living here know now the present ; P you got hit by the truth as it may you got killed , and you may notice that now here as you see , hear and feel it you may know the Truth , you got killed by it as it hit you long ago , what may be the last time you know now here when you lived and wasn’t killed , dead in any way changed you may notice in your DEATH NOTE when you died , as this is the Truth , you died and didn’t notice and are coming now know here back to life as you are born in the real World , as you prepared yourself by noticing the old world and the new World as it is your Way to become responsible for your own life , as dead , The Truth , prepared you to that’s the truth
The present killed , noticing the change
So as the past died , and you may have guess the futher buried , you may ask , who killed as there are so many dead´s , it was the present , death itself , the change , The Truth , as you may ask who survieved , that is the Truth and all it´s ally’s as it may be death or change itself as a Shimigami or any other form it may aüear as it is may be seen , heard or feelet by you , as it alway feels, hears, see you that is the Truth . As you may notice now know here that a lot changed and you did´nt noticed now know here that a lot changed and you didn´t notieced , as it was said is going on , you may ask why no one get it that it one was hit by the Truth and got killed , may be cause no one was present as one has to know the past , understand | mind the present and read the meaning to of the futher to be present as you know now here know that this is the truth . So as present , as it is allways present in past in futher to 2 to it is present in the present , is killing you , the thoughts and the responding feeling to it , you may life the New World and come close to the real World to the Truth , as it may be the killer and you like to ask why ? You may guess the futher , the answere will be , why not ? cause this is a lot of fun why not continue , or what for not ; P , so as you may notice the change , you may ask how , what , who and may like to see , hear , feel that change , death , as it hit´s you , as you notice the change , that is the Truth . As you may see this you may ask , who burries all this corpes by that much killings , there has to be a trace , it may be not as the futher is burring the corpses , and are you not already dead as it reaches you.
You may notice death , the change , that is the Truth
The futher burried , noticing the change
As you may notice you got buried you past died and you may be dead ! you ask why ? cause you never lived ; P cause as the question was asked , kill or be killed you was already dead , you may notice this , as long you don´t change you may travel from futher to past and be the present dead , but as long you don´t notice your futher , death as you dead , you may note change that you may be killed as the Truth may hit you as it never does as it kills ; P you may die now here know not that it even happens as it may be to slow or fast , or any other , for you don´t notice that . to you may start easy by noticing for other there dead , in there DEATH NOTE , and work with them together as they may do the same for you , you may change the futher befor it burries you in your grave , your past as you may be dead and like to life. So you are here cause you like to life , cause the price for this book is your life and now know here you like to life so you may repay you for what you have done , you may ask befor that , was it the best I could do was it right our may be has it to do any thing with the truth ! cause the Truth had done a lot with you ? your world your life being and you life as it got it
; P you may notice that change you got burried by your futher ; P
; b you may notice the change you got burried in this futher ; b
; ) a yes yes yes now be present the past there is it burried , you notice the change , noticing the change ; ) a yes yes yes ?
so let´s watch the past die the present kill and the futher burie and you may read the meaning of the futher as you notice the change , that the futher buried , you as this is the Truth , change , Truth that is .
3. Now know here be responsible for responsibility
Responsibility,time to be responsible and ask the question , whats in it for me . As the change is real and you now know here it, and you are responsible for it you should take advantage of it and use it so the best benefit to it and for you, I will show you the way , to change, the truth thats it , ( but if you try even to change the truth it will change you ) ...
The many possibilitys of your responsibilityes
are all responsible with you
So you hit the respond bottom , and are responding all the possibilitys of your responsibilithy , so you found your hearth and are at the buttom of this art , so how to use it ! a yes don´t abuse it ? so use your feel in g as feel and if you feel that what you feel feels you you may call that love , as this os the messenger of love , feeling responsibility respond feel , as love . Here is a lot that you may feel , as the illsoury past , with your imaginary thoughts and feelings to it as they fade and in contrast to that the new World that feels you , since when were ever , forever , and is sure you will try , of course but still on course the real world ? what that may be ! The present , yes that may be the feeler and the futher may be the seals of the sealed , as it may seem maybe it´s not closed ? so you may use ! it but don´t abuse it , as try to open it ? That may earn you a hit , and you may lose a bit by a bite of light as a zip slowwed darkness too, so try it ! no one buy it ? so what are you trying to sell ? please tell ! not a bell ? ring ring , a call from the Truth 4 you 2 , you may answere , responsibility ? responde ! as allways , the Truth
4. Oriented you got by Orientation but don´t take it to far to the orient, thats not it ; P
You know now here what to do, the question is were to do it , let´s get oriented, what past is gone, let´s get it back , what present is here let´s use it , what comes will come let´s welcome it ...
5. You are ready and all is preparead, then lets see what you haven done, do it ; P
That´s all nice but now know here, whats about me, what I have to do ? To finde you the life , the world , the life beings in this new World and beyound that see real World the Truth .
Know they self
adjektive nomen verb
1. they ( your´s plus you , .. , ) to Know : you have to know now here : Know to they
2. Know to self ( in the sense of indepented free being ) : konstantly and independent : self to Know
3. self to they : you owne your here apply now : they to know
What is this about ,
it´s about to change you by changing what you change that you may get what you need, what is you, more or less it is ( Body = joy happynes / Soal = love beuty / Spirit = peace freedom )
your buddy your soalmate your spiritualfriend
But how to get were you are if you are already were you are, let me introduce you to this mysterie, it´s
change, that´s the truth, try to change this for example view ( ) a cyrcel will become a (|) ball or was the cyrcel already the ball and the ball is just a cyrcel but you see two ( cyrcel ) ; P
don´t less one step going beyound one step missin one to for( may be 4 ! then there was 1 ? ) but more but eassy, but learn not the happenz earn the truth ; P ...
6. You are done and all is preparing, then lets see what you haven been , be it ; P
That`s all nice but now know here , cause you are already changed it were I have to do it ! The Question is not allowed it´s now here, the truth what´s the truth I have to be is the I change to be ther so you now to is it ,
nomen verb adjetive
Be it do
life being World life
1, Be to do : where you is as what was old become new and changed into real : do to be
2. do to it : what you have learned be : it to do
3. it to Be :may open your eyes and now here : be to do
So here we are, in the middel of the change, and now know here you noticed it, a bit late isn´t it, if it´s been here all the time and you didn´t get it , it got you and it hit you , the queation is why ! Cause you didn´t know the truth ? Thats to easy, some one hidded it from ( (us) ( it must have been the deviel or even the guy who employed him god ) ) you , or was it hidden for you haven´t seen it because it is real, why cause it did´t exist ; P it is ! , is it ? the truth ; P ....
7. You are fine and all is a ryhme, then let it is what you haven´t is it ! are ? the truth ; P
So thats awsome now here , but know now here as you see the truth, now to benefit from it, how to use it, thats were the magic begins .
Old change new
studie apply learn
1. Old to new :fades away and stayes hidde you earn ( truth hard work, effort ( mühe ) . anstrengung )
new truth : new to old to change : show you the way as you become truth : change to new
3.change to old : open the eyes to new view of truth of the : old to new
As I sayed in the introduktion, I gave done it , ypi got what you need , ypu notice what yiz didn´t notice abd yiz see what you didn´see , the truth , time to know the truth and see me the one whi has done it , found the truth and guided you not only on the way to the new world but created the real truth ( spelled ! trought ? ) real /truth ( spelled ! true ? ) change ( spelled ! changed ? ) , I may be right here now knowing you not having noticed noticed cazse you nothing , you not knpw now here zje truth , you just see it, you see it truth. Time to change it, that you don´t know ttime to know, and by the way aüüly and ve wise that you can zse this for yor best . ...
8. So afther all this unimportend trash, what there is to have a bit fun and pleasure, cause afther all that hard work there has to be some fruits I earned ! and there are ? even more to find cause it find you here now know the truth .
Finaly you know and are wise fine you say but where is the fun were is that what is real and can be played and who should I trust that even he showed this ?
All this is already yours, you are life , life beings , the world but you are not allone, there are others, there is truth wgat this supposed to mean and what is my roll in this .let it put it this way , life is like a fame , ot´s not avout winning it´abpit fun so to say for , and you are not the rolle you play but the player.
The World is like a playground, it´s not about the best place it´s about the best fun and you are not in the play vut in the playing you is .
The lifebeings are like Opponents , it´s not about beating eacg other, it´s about fun abd they are not the enemys but your best friend´s
So let´s know the Situatuion, You , World , life . You are now knowing here by the truth and the truth now know here you and you are self your truth you and now what to do and were to do it and how to do it so you may life ! A You may ask as you know this where is it the truth , it´s all around us in us and between us it´s us but thats not importdent, (that is obvies at least afther all this work it should be for you ) , importend is, what has changed and who had did it and what you have missed and why and what has not changed not that no is all , you cause it was changed by you and that was changed by me who as be you may ask I may answere who is he not . ...
The Middel : The Truth is coming closer and close to the reader and with time and understanding the reader is drawn into the deept and of all there is , in there context there is teaching, healing, exploring, play, fun , developement, and match more , ... , as interaktion live even´ts discoveries enlightent´s , awakenings and graduation also wins with out losses , losses with wins , insights , knowlege, wisdome and all the other you like to see here and match more , ... ,
The story is told ( it´s the readers life from a enlightend and awakend perspetive , as many other changes from the normal / publik kultural views or say be more opinions ) of the change in the world and the reader and the truth comes into the life truth ( spelled ! trought ? )the ende the reader get deeper and deeper as close as near to the present and see know, and become wise to open the doors to his hidden world , and discover ( plus of cours ,masters , learn , understands, heal , invents , researches , ... , and all the other what you like and dislike to do like hard work , effort to give value , ... , ) this all is as he know but for he knew nothing befoure .
Preview : So may it be : as the truth cams out there may be some one who knows the truth and is, one step ahead he already done this all and is far beyound andy thing, his main plan may be this one for this big event to happen he uses there all what he finds , he don´t really do new stuff but do stuff new that way he will be undercover, he may spread the word , he may even do some deeds to put things into motion now here were the book come into circulation ( 2013 ) he may publish a book or there is maybe a movie , were you see what he is doing , he may thing a good religion to change as a tool would be buddsem ( as Buddas teaching ) cause they work as a praktibel and usefull way , a good goverment to change would be the kommunist chines, cause the kommunist goverment has the strangest influence and china is the biggest kommunist goverment and a good educational system would be that in germany cause he life there and studies there and he may realy have already a step there in the door , the one you missed ; P , and maybe more or less in the other fields , and the big realisation of this change to the publik ( may come , what is the truth ) part even befor 2017 and some may know him already but don´t know it jet. But what maybe changes and what has he already changed, all that questions ! and no answers ?
The Ende ( the last ( in this case missing ) page ) : You may finde ! if you may finde it ? ...
A Hint :
This is the book , as you may see (but the missing page may be the page ? you read ! you read not ? ) as this is not the missing page you may search for it our it may come to you
The Book : The Truth
The Summery / The Back : Whats is this Book about , The Truth
This book is the truth , but not only for you but for more , it already changed your life , cause you now know here some thing you didn´t and this is the truth , you even see it but at the moment it may not belong to you , you can even have it, nearly all of the Truth, there will be one page missing but the book is still complete, it´s a mysterie but it´s the truth, the one book page you may miss you may get it in exchange for a small price , some € or may it be $ or any other of that in the quantiti of maybe 5 or 10 , ore something else you may trade or in any other way . The missing page is only the difference between knowing the truth and knowing about the truth of the truth which is like the difference between day and night , betwenn wisedom and knowleg , with this one page all will be revealed to you, what don´t means it will not be revealed without it
But it can make make/help/change ... , it go match faster , knowing the truth .
But the cost as may it be the price for this book is your life , cause you already payed , it changed and you havend notice, really sure just read from the beggining of this summary if you havend noticed you missed the truth, see it , maybe feel it , then read the truth and all will be revealed to you , you have just to do the deeds to get to the truth , may it be the book in any way you chose to get it , this is :
The Truth
The Book
as may this be The Book : The Truth