Art 4 You 2 / Kunst für Dich auch |
Perspektives for Perceptions |
Some words will come, when time is right for them, to bring some light in the heaviness /
Ein Paar Worte werde bald komme, wenn die Zeit die Richtige ist, um ein bischen Licht in die Schwere zu bringen |
As in the rigfht side shown, the part of knowlege or darkness, there you have the three juwels of Buddismen : aller Sanga = S in green as the friendes on the way , the Dharma = D in Blue , as the teaching as the Way and and Budda = B in red as the Goal, which is the Way , as the ideel of the Adept aller Buddist .
As the Goal direkted , as the stabel State Up , Threefolded four based force, of knowing ( is based on the teaching of the center , of the soal in the middel of the threefoldness of S D and B in a stabel state ( which is definded as the The stabel stated is defiende truth a multifuntional correlational effekt/virtue funktion of the threefoldness of the system (
for more Details see Soal Scholl )) the forbased direkting of the force for the threefoldness is the Braman dwelling of 1 graciousness as Fire 2 compassion as water 3 mercifulness as air 4 shared joy as Earth
as on the left side the , the Aspekt of wisedome, there you have in the first step the ökonisation of Budissem as Budissem in the sozial aspekt , then in the secound step the ökonisation of Buddisem in the society as the ökonomik aspekt and the ökonisation in the third step of budissem in the Real as part of the Society as the ökological aspekt
Living Art Projekts and background |
As there gone be Winter as Sprig and Summer and Fall, new Seasons of the creating of some piece of Art there gone be here, some more to them as they come into being and the background in which they appear /
So wie es gibt den Winter als auch den Frühling und den Sommer und den Herbst, neue Saisonen von der Schaffung von einem Stück Kunst dahin geben wird hier sein Sein, etwas mehr zu ihnen wie sie ins Sein kommen und dem Hintergrund in dem sie erscheinen